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Assigning Shipments

This page is designed to illustrate how to assign a trip in various ways, as well as how to navigate the Assignment Wizard.

Assigning Shipments

There are multiple ways to enter the assignment wizard throughout the TMS.

One such way would be through the Trips tab from the Quick Access section and selecting Assign Shipment which will prompt the assignment wizard to open.

If you have the Shipment built and are ready to assign the shipment to a trip you may simply select View Trip from the Toolbar.

You will then enter the assignment wizard with the shipment number already added as well if the shipment is for the "truck" or "brokerage" side. The system will automatically suggest a truck based on the shortest distance. You may also choose or search for any particular truck as well.

Next, you will have to choose a driver for the trip. Drivers will be suggested by the system based on whether they are associated with the truck through past trips or through the carriers. This window is where you can assign a team to the shipment as well by selecting a second driver.

Assigning to Brokerage

Under "Truck/ Broker" you can assign the shipment to a carrier by selecting "assign to brokerage" in which you will not have to select a driver as shown in the section below.

Trailer Assignments

The Wizard will then prompt you to assign a trailer to the shipment by suggesting trailers, but any trailer may be selected. If you do not know which trailer will be used for this load, then you may leave the trailer option blank until completing the load. You may also select "third-party trailer" if necessary.  For more information on how Trailer assignments work click here.

Lastly, you can assign the unloaded origin of the driver to establish empty miles for the trip. Previous delivery and stop locations from assigned, enroute, completed, and their home address will be suggested, but you may search and select any location desired.

This final step will complete the process for the assignment wizard, and you have now assigned the assets to the load.

Optional Trip Assignment Tabs


Vendors up to six vendors can be assigned to trips to create additional settlements for entities like truck owners and dispatchers. This can be disabled under Dispatch → Set up options.

Last Stop


Last stop the last stop feature will suggest the drivers home address or commonly used stop points for the driver to suggest a location for a trip stop to be added at the end of the trip. This is helpful in cases where the driver needs to return back to a specific location or their house at the end of most trips. This can be disabled under Dispatch → Set up Options.

Drag and Drop Assignment

Drag and drop functionality has been added to the Planning Board. Users can drag a truck to a pending shipment, or drag a pending shipment to a truck. In Pre-Planning and Fixed burnt trucks mode, the drag and drop will pre-assign the load.  Once a load is Pre-assigned users can assign the load by using the clock on the Truck or Load to open the Assignment wizard.  The wizard will prefill with as much data as possible, will stop at the unloaded origin. In the Real time sync mode, dragging a truck to a pending load or a pending load to a truck will now open the assignment wizard. The wizard will prefill with as much data as possible, if all is preset the load will get assigned to the Truck from the planning board.

Drag and Drop

In Preplanning and Fix burnt trucks mode, after dragging and dropping to preassign, click on the red clock to to finish assigning.

Assigning Shipments Video

Assignment Wizard Video

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