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Custom Groups

Access Tab: System -> Set up Custom Groups

This tool is to be used for creating groups that can be used for reporting as well as in the Dispatch/Planning Board.

A user can create subgroups from the main categories by selecting the green plus sign next to the category opening the following menu:




Enter the name for the group you are adding here.


Enter the description for the group you are adding here.


Check if this Group is a Category. Categories are the options that will show as headings to choose from for the Planning and Dispatch Boards.

Use for Planning

If this box is checked this group will be used for the Planning Board.

Use for Dispatch

If this box is checked this group will be used for the Dispatch Board.


Categories are the main headings used on the boards. A common use for groups is a Dispatchers Group. For this there would be one group called "Dispatchers" this would be a category. Then you can add groups under that category for your dispatchers. Then on the planning and dispatch boards, the dispatchers can select the group “Dispatchers” and check only the Dispatchers Groups they want to see.

Custom Groups

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