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Set Up EDI Options

Notification groups



Incoming load tenders (204)

Select the group of users that will receive messages when new load tenders are sent over.

Outgoing shipment status messages (214)

Select the group of users that will receive messages when there are issues sending over shipment status messages.

Outgoing invoices (210)

Select the group of users that will receive messages when there are issues sending over invoices.

Connectivity issues

Select the group of users that will receive messages when there are issues with connectivity.


Select the group of users that will receive messages when there are exceptions.

Company identification




Enter the SCAC that will be used to identify this customer. This will be used on outgoing messages.

ISA Id qualifier

Enter the ISA Id qualifier that will be used to identify this customer. This will be used on outgoing messages.


Enter the ISA Id that will be used to identify this customer. This will be used on outgoing messages.


Enter the GS Id that will be used to identify this customer. This will be used on outgoing messages.

AS2 Connection



Enable AS2

Check this box to Enable AS2 for this EDI customer.

AS2 Identifier

Enter the AS2 Identifier for this customer.

Server certificate

Upload the certificate that EDI partners will need to encrypt and decrypt EDI messages.

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