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Settlements Expense Types Export Details

What you should know about the Settlements Expense data integration?

  • Ditat will request an updated Chart Of Accounts and Item List from QuickBooks.

  • Ditat TMS does not retrieve Vendors from QuickBooks.

  • Ditat TMS only creates and updates Vendors in QuickBooks.

  • Ditat will check if a Vendor already exists in QuickBooks if it does it will update any new information about The Vendor if it doesn't It will create a new Vendor using the Accounting ID as the Vendor Name.

  • Ditat TMS will check if a Vendor Bill with the same Ref Number already exists if it does - it won't export.

  • If a Vendor Bill already exists in QuickBooks (with the same number) - Ditat TMS will mark it as exported and write a warning in the export report.

  • Ditat TMS only sends certain fields to QuickBooks (see below). Other fields can be changed/added in QuickBooks and will not be affected by export.

  • Due to the QuickBooks 11 Character limit, Ditat TMS will shrink the Vendor Bill ID to be in compliance. SB-0000123456-01 will transfer as 12 3456-01 to QuickBooks. 


Fields exported to QuickBooks

Header Data

  1. Accounting id will be sent with Vendor Bill, this will show up in QuickBooks as Vendor Name. This will allow QuickBooks to pull all of the addresses and related info.

  2. Bill Date.

  3. The Trip Number from Ditat TMS will be sent to a Reference Number field in QuickBooks.

  4. Trip number, Pickup and Delivery Cities, Driver Number, Carrier information, Truck, and Trailer number will be mapped to the Memo field in QuickBooks.


Details Data
  1. Expenses will be entered into QuickBooks as a Billable Item. This Expense is mapped to a Cost Of Good Sold Account in QuickBooks.

  2. The description fields will be mapped to the Memo.

  3. Expense amounts will be mapped to the Amount Owed field in QuickBooks.

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