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Split Loads

Split Manager

To treat shipment as a Split Load you will use the Split Manager.  To use this function when in the Trip, Select Split Manager.

This will show you the current trip and allow you to Split before the next stop or stops if there are multiple stops on this trip.


Fill out the Split screen by inputting Date/Time to drop trailer, Date/Time trailer will be picked up and Location of the split.


Click Use/Select to set the location of the Split.


Once done hit Save to complete the split this will break the trip into 2 parts with the same trip number just with an -01 and -02.


The yellow boxes are your split points, you will see the projected pay break down above each Leg of the trip, you can adjust that percentage to what makes sense for the trip.

You will then need to assign a driver to the second leg of the trip and calculate the pay for both Legs of the Trip.

To edit a split, access the split screen and use the red arrow to undo that leg. You can also delete the first leg of the split to restart assignments from the beginning.

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