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The tracking window can be accessed in the following 2 ways: The tracking window provides the user with vital information about the location and status of all the drivers.

  1. Using the main menu bar: Mobile -> Track

  2. Clicking the Track icon located on the quick-access panel

Tracking Overview

Tacking can be used to locate your assets. 





Contains view-level functionality.


This field can be used to filter the list in order to find your asset(s) quickly and easily.

Show by

This lets you choose which asset type to view. (Drivers/Trucks/Trailers)


Shows assets as clickable pushpins.


 This indicates if the asset was stopped when the last GPS ping was received.

This indicated that the asset was in motion when the last GPS ping was received.


 This is the recency indicator. Green if tracking is recent, red if not recent.


This will allow you to send a message, only available when on the Drivers tracking page.


This will let you view truck statistics.


Drag and drop this icon for street view capability.

Don't see all the widgets on your screen?

You may not have access to certain functionality because of the security options assigned to you.

Toolbar Functionality




Clicking this button closes the window.


Clicking this button makes sure you are getting the most up to date information from our server.


Clicking this button opens the online help page.


Choose the specific area you want to see on the map.

Show by

Here you can choose drivers, trucks, or trailers. 


Will update the map every 15 minutes automatically so you can track drivers movement.

This feature helps the user find specific drivers more easily. In order to start filtering, the user must type in a minimum of 2 characters. The search option will filter assets with matching Driver Id, Group Id, Device and Truck. The filter will automatically adjust the assets list to display only those that contain the characters the user is searching for.

Assets List


Field #



This is the asset’s last known location.


This is the asset id.


Users can send a message to the driver by clicking this icon. (Only available when filtered for drivers)


Click this icon to view detailed tracking information.


This icon indicates how recent the last GPS ping was. The icon is green if the ping was recent, and red if the device hasn't sent a ping for a certain time.


This icon indicates that the vehicle is moving and shows up when the GPS reports a speed greater than 0 miles per hour.

Ditat Tracking Video

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