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Driver performance

This report will how many loads a driver has delivered and the percent of scans and check calls submitted. The report will also tell you what percent of check calls were on time, the percent with trailer inspections as well as the percent of pictures included on the inspections.



From/To date

Here select the date range for the loads this report should provide.

Appointment timelines

This field refers to how close the check call that was added is to the appointment time.

Check call timeliness

This field refers to how close the time the sent check call-in was to the appointment time. For example, if the check call was sent in that they arrived at the pickup location at 2:00 PM but they sent that check call in at 4:00 PM that is a 2 hour window or check call timeliness of 2 hours.

Group by

Select from the drop-down if/how you would like the information grouped.

Order by

Select from the drop-down how you would like the information ordered on the report.



Driver Id

This field will display the driver's id.


This field will display the driver's name.

Loads delivered

This field will show the number of loads completed.

Loads with scans submitted

This field will show the percentage of loads with a scan submitted.

Check calls submitted

This field will show the percentage of loads with check calls submitted.

On time check calls

This field will show the percentage of on time check calls.

Check call timeliness

This field will show the percentage of loads with the check call inside the timeliness range.

Trailer inspections completed

This field will show the percentage of loads with trailer inspections completed.

Trailer inspections with pictures

This field will show the percentage of trailer inspections with pictures.

Avg Pictures per inspection

This field will show the average percent of pictures per inspection.

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