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EDI Status Updates

This report will show the number of pickup and delivery appointments updated as well as the record of on-time check calls added. Below will show each specific shipment information.



From/To pickup date

Here enter the pickup date range for the report.

From/To delivery date

Here enter the delivery date range for the report.

EDI Partner

Here enter an EDI partner. If entered, only data for that partner will show.


Here enter a carrier. If entered, only data for that carrier will show.


Here enter a shipment number. If entered, only data for that shipment will show.

Shipment reference

Here enter a shipment reference number. If entered, only data for the shipment with that reference number will show.

Appointment timeliness

Here select from the drop-down what the level of appointment timeliness should be.

Status update timeliness

Here select from the drop-down what the level of status update timeliness should be.

Group by

Select from the drop-down if/how you would like the data grouped.

Order by

Select from the drop-down how you would like the data ordered on the report.



Number of loads

This field will display the number of loads on the report.

Pickup appointment

This field will display the number of pick-up check calls added vs what is required.

Delivery appointment

This field will display the number of delivery check calls added vs what is required.

Pickup time in

This field shows the number of pickup time in check calls submitted on time vs the required amount.

Pickup time out

This field shows the number of pickup time out check calls submitted on time vs the required amount.

Delivery time in

This field shows the number of delivery time in check calls submitted on time vs the required amount.

Delivery time out

This field shows the number of delivery time out check calls submitted on time vs the required amount.


This field will display the shipment number.

PO Number

This field will show the PO number from reference field one.


This field will show the status of the shipment.


This field will show the locations city, state, and zip code.

Appointment time

This field will show the appointment times for each stop.

Shipment status code

This field will display the shipment status code.


This field will provide a description of the status code.

Event time

This field will show the event time for the check call.

EDI Check call submitted

This field will display when the EDI check call was submitted.

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