Expirations Report
This report will show a list of all expirations that will happen during a selected date range. The report will allow you to select specific expiration types and only show those.
Field | Description |
From/To date | Here enter a date range and expirations in the date range will display on the report. |
Include driver | Check this box if driver expirations should display. |
Include trailer | Check this box if trailer expirations should display. |
Include truck | Check this box if truck expirations should display. |
Driver | Select a driver here to only see their expirations. |
Truck | Select a truck here to only see that truck's expirations. |
Trailer | Select a trailer here to only see that trailer's expirations. |
Groups | On the right, you can choose to run this report by any of the custom groups you have set up. |
Expiration type | Here select an expiration type and only that expiration will show on the report. |
Company | Here select a company and only expirations for assets under that company will show. |
Driver type | Here select a driver type and only drivers with that type will display on the report. |
Driver status | Here select a driver status and only drivers with that status will display on the report. |
Order by | Select from the drop-down how you would like the expirations ordered on the report. |
Group by | Select from the drop-down if/how you would like the report grouped. |
View | Select the default or driver details view. |
Default View
Field | Description |
Driver/Truck/Trailer | This field will display the driver, truck, or trailer Id. |
Carrier | This field will display the carrier Id. |
Date | This field will display the date of the expiration. |
Description | This field will display the description of the deduction. |
Notes | This field will display the notes associated with the expiration type. |
Driver Details View
Field | Description |
Driver/Truck/Trailer | This field will display the driver, truck, or trailer Id. |
Carrier | This field will display the carrier Id. |
Date | This field will display the date of the expiration. |
Description | This field will display the description of the deduction. |
Email address | Driver email address will be shown here. |
Phone number | Driver phone number will be shown here. |