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Hazmat Loads

This report will provide a list of hazmat loads with pick up information and equipment used.



From/To pick up date

Select a pickup date range to see results for.

From/To delivery date

Select a delivery date range to see results for.

Order by

Select how you would like the results to be ordered.

Group by

Select how you would like the results to be grouped.




The shipment Id will be listed here.


The customer the shipment is for will be listed here.

Pickup date

The pickup date for the shipment will be listed here.


The pickup location will be listed here.


The pickup address will be listed here.

Delivery date

The delivery date for the shipment will be listed here.


The delivery location will be listed here.


The delivery address will be listed here.


The driver, if assigned, will be listed here.


The truck, if assigned, will be listed here.


The trailer, if assigned, will be listed here.


If Team Required is selected on the shipment, Securement will show as “yes.” If Team Required is not selected on the shipment, Securement will show as “no.”

Hazmat documents

If there are documents saved in the Hazmat Documentation folder inside of the shipment, this column will show as “yes.” If no hazmat documents are saved, this will show as “no.”

If notes are added with #CS and a space before the note. those notes will show under the load on the report.

Example: #CS This will show on the report.

Example not on the report. Note will not appear on the report with out the prefix shown above.

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