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Integrate With WEX Fleet One

Account Settings



Account Id

Enter your Fleet one account Id here.


Select which of your companies these advances will be imported for.


Enter a description for these advances.

FTP Active

Check if the FTP is active.


Enter the URL for Fleet one. This is the normal URL for the FTP,


Enter the Port for the FTP. The normal port for Fleet One is 21.

User name

Ditat uses the same user name and password for all accounts each customer has their own folder which will be the Account ID.


Ditat uses the same user name and password for all accounts each customer has their own folder which will be the Account ID.

Outgoing folder

Enter the outgoing folder for her to use, this should be the Account Id.

Advance Import Settings



FleetOne advance type

These are the advance types that FleetOne will send over for your account.

Advance type

Select the Ditat Advance type to link to the FleetOne Advance.


If this box is checked then Ditat will import the Advance type when importing advances.

Export as expense

If this box is checked then Ditat will export this advance type to your Accounting software.

Deduct from company driver

If this box is checked then Ditat will mark this advance type to be deducted from a Company driver.

Deduct from carrier

If this box is checked then Ditat will mark this advance type to be deducted from a Leased driver.

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