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Maintain Claims

To access tab: Rate & Pay -> Claims

Click here for information on how to use a data entry window



Claim Id

Here is where you search for a certain Claim in the system, if the Claim exists it will be pulled. If there is no matching Claim you will be prompted to create a New Claim.

New Claim

This button will generate a new claim to add to the system.


Choosing an option here sets the claim to the desired processing step (Example: Pending, Outstanding, Closed).

Primary Info




Choose which company this claim is connected to.

Claim type

Choose the desired type of claim from a previously a created list in Set Up Claim Types.

Claimed on

Date assigned to the claim.

Handled by

User that is creating the claim.


Urgency of claim.


Here you may add the exact location if the claim occurred at an address currently in Ditat by searching by location or manually entering.


This section will be auto-filled in the accompanying tabs.

Trip/Shipment Info

This section can be auto-filled by entering the Shipment or Trip Id, but each section could be individually searched as well.

Claim description

This section is where you can enter a description of this claim.

Goods OS&D / Charges

This section will be used for entering the type of goods included in the Claim.

The value and quantity can be entered as well as a brief description if needed. These charges will be factored into the Summary on the 'Main" tab.

Any additional charges could be applied here to be factored into the Summary on the 'Main' tab.

Salvage / Insurance / Payments

Fill the Insurance Claim section with information from the insurance company while selecting a Claim type with the option of adding notes as well.

This section will be used for the establishment of what the driver will be charged for the claim with a section for optional notes.

This section will be used for documenting what the company will retain from possible salvaging of the assets.

This section will be used for tracking Payments Made towards the Claim as well as Payments Received by date and with a description of the payment.

Adding Claims Video

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