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Maintain Rate Plans

Companies find it convenient to create separate rate plans for different customers and make the rate plan Id the name of that customer.

To access tab: Rate & Pay -> Rate Plans

Click here for information on how to use a data entry window.


Use the Column Selector tool to choose the columns you want to see in the lanes section.



Plan Id

The rate plan Id can be up to 25 characters in length and should be unique within the system. If you enter an Id that already exists in the system, the rate plan record will be pulled from the system and can be edited. Otherwise, a new rate plan record can be created.


Check if this rate plan is being used. If this is not checked, then you will not be able to select this rate plan when maintaining Customers.


This function allows you to tailor the rate plan to charge a different price depending on the route of the shipment. For each route, you must enter a country, state, city, or zone that the shipment travels to and from. When you choose the route you must also choose the rate that will be charged for that Lane. If you enter miles that will be the number of miles used to calculate Fuel if left blank fuel will calculate using actual miles of that trip. You may also set date ranges of when these lanes are meant to apply by using the Starts and Ends options.


Select how you would like to show the From portion of this lane, you can choose from Locations, Zones, City/State, Postal codes, or Country to build a lane. Make sure to check the box above the lanes to show the option you would like to use to build this lane.


Select how you would like to show the To portion of this lane, you can choose from Locations, Zones, City/State, Postal codes, or Country to build a lane. Make sure to check the box above the lanes to show the option you would like to use to build this lane.

Round Trip

Check the box if this lane is for a round trip. If this box is checked then the starting and finishing location from the shipment must be the From and there must be a stop in the middle that matches the To location.

Rate type

Choose if you want to rate this lane as Fixed, Per mile, or Per hour.


Enter the rate to use for this lane.

Per mile

The system will calculate the per mile rate if you have a fixed rate and a set amount of miles for this lane.

Min rate

Enter a minimum rate for this lane here. Example you could charge $2.00 a mile but a minimum charge of $200.00 so if the shipment is for 50 miles the system would use the minimum charge of $200.00 instead of $100.00


Check the box if you would like to charge a Fuel Surcharge in addition to the Rate on this lane. If the surcharge box is checked then you must add a Fuel Surcharge on the Options tab for the system to use for calculating fuel.


If there is an agreed upon mileage for this lane you can enter it here and the system will use that instead of the system generated miles when calculating rates or Fuel Surcharge amounts.

AGR Deduction

This field will allow you to adjust the AGR for this lane. This will allow you to take off a set dollar amount or Percentage from what you bill your customer before paying drivers. Commonly this is used for paying sales or other set fee's associated with this lane.


Enter the date that the system should start using this lane. If no date is entered the system will start using this lane immediately.


Enter the date the system should stop using this lane. If no date is entered the system will use this lane indefinitely.


Enter the expected volume for this lane.


If you were awarded extra runs for this lane you can enter that awarded amount here.


Click on the pencil to add extra charges for this lane. This is where you can add additional charges that are always needed for this lane. Examples would be if you need to add a lumper for this lane.


Click on the pencil to add extra stops for this lane. Here you can add extra approved stops for this lane, and you can add additional mileage that should be added if this extra stop is used on this lane. If you need to add extra stops you will need to check the Process extra stops box on the Options tab.

Select this shortcut to open up the lane customizer tab. See example below.

The screen above is where you can create and edit lanes. You can also double click anywhere on the lane to bring up this screen.




Set up or edit your lane here.

Additional Stops

Set up your lanes specific additional stops here.

Flex rate

Set up Flex Rate rules and any lane specific additional charges here.

Flex Rate

When the Flex Rate tab is opened you will see all of the lane specific Flex Rates/Additional charges. You can use the pencil icon to edit Flex Rates or use the Add button to create a new Flex rate.

Creating a Flex Pay rule:



Payment type

Select the Payment to use for charging this customer.


Select the condition that either needs to match or not be a match to charge the customer. Conditions can be selected from Reefer, Hazmat, Team, Billing company, and equipment type.


Enter the quantity to use for this Payment type.


Select whether you would like to add a new line, adjust existing line, replace existing line, or remove existing line.


Enter the amount to use for this Payment type.

Min pay/ Max pay

Enter in any minimum or maximum pay amounts if applicable.


Leave a description that will appear on the charge line if applicable.





Choose how you would like to add accepted extra stops. You can choose from City/State, Postal Code, Location, or Zone.


If you chose location this box will become active and you can select accepted locations for extra stops.


If you chose Zone this box will become active and you can select accepted Zones for extra stops.


If you chose City/State this box will become active and you can select accepted Country for extra stops.


If you chose City/State this box will become active and you can select accepted State for extra stops.


If you chose City/State this box will become active and you can select accepted City for extra stops.

Postal code

If you chose Postal code this box will become active and you can enter the Zip code that is accepted for extra stops.

Add miles

Enter how many extra miles should be accounted for when this extra stop is used.





Enter some details about the plan to clarify what the rate plan is for.

Fuel surcharge table

Select the fuel surcharge table you want to use for this rate plan.

Reefer fuel surcharge table

Select a fuel surcharge table to use when there is a Reefer used. This can be used instead of the main table or in addition to the main table. Use the drop down to choose how to apply reefer fuel.

Process extra stops

If this box is checked then the system will use a lane with additional stops, if the box is not checked then any lanes with extra stops will be ignored when calculating pay.

Extra stops charges

Use this section to add stops charges if extra stops are on the shipment.

Additional charges

Use this section to include custom charges that can specific to circumstance and manipulate the rate for certain lanes. An example would be changing the pay for a load requiring a team, reefer, or hazmat.

Extra Stops Charges

Understanding Stops

In the example above the driver will be paid $50 for the first stop and $35 each stop 2-5.

Rate Plans Tutorial Video

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