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Maintain Trips

Maintain Trips window is where you will look up trips that have been entered as well as create new trips. Trips can be either Revenue or Non-Revenue Trips. An example of a Non-Revenue Trip would be moving a trailer from one location to another.

To access tab: Dispatch-> Maintain Trip

 Click here for information on how to use a data entry window.

Trip Id: Trip Id can be up to 25 characters in length and should be unique within the system. If you enter an Id that already exists in the system, the trip record will be pulled from the system and can be edited. Otherwise, a new trip record can be created.  You can use the split manager to split a trip to multiple parts.

Search Navigation Icons

Trip Navigation

Trip navigation can help you easily find the last trip entered, you can also move to the next and previous trips using the tools.

Check Calls

Adding Check Calls will progress a trip through the stages. There are two ways that check calls are entered into the system. Manually adding them by the dispatcher and accepting mobile check calls sent in by the drivers.


After assigning the trip to the driver, the trip will be set to the Assigned status. The dispatcher would need to enter the first check call to make this load ‘Enroute’ which is the trip the driver is currently working on.

Manual Check Calls

To add a check call click ADD button in the Check Calls section. When adding a manual check call the dispatcher will be prompted with a window which will tell them the details of the check call they are entering at the top; starting with which truck, which trip, and the Stop of which the call is for. Here the dispatcher can enter the Date/Time for the Check Call. 

Once the Check Call has been entered, it will show under the stop itself as shown below.


Status Check Calls

Along with in/out times at each stop, users can also add Status Check Calls at any time during an enroute trip. To do this, change the Type to “status.” You can then leave a timestamped note with an ETA that updates the status of the load. If your customers are monitoring the customer portal, they will be able to see the Status check call updates.

Mobile Check Calls

The drivers can send in check calls from their mobile devices once the is enroute.  These mobile check calls would appear on the dispatch board as a notification icon to alert dispatchers that there is a pending check call waiting to be accepted.

The dispatcher can open and accept the check call directly from the dispatch board or from the maintain trip screen. 

After choosing to add a check call the dispatcher will see the sent in check calls on the top of the screen.  The dispatcher will also be to add notes and late reasons if necessary as well as make the decision if the check call sent by the driver is reliable or not.

The dispatcher will continue to add check calls until the trip is completed. 


Completed Trip Breakdown

Once Trip has been assigned you will need to fill out the info about the trip.




Here delete or edit Truck/Trailer or Driver assignments.

Check Calls

Add in the details of when the driver stops happen, as well as notes that the driver was here at this time and if they are on time for scheduled delivery.


Here you can edit the unloaded origin, add additional stops, or view the map.


Here enter Stop Notes, Notes for Drivers/Dispatchers.


Here enter drivers pay. If a driver has a plan setup, choose calculate it will auto-fill with the correct rate for driver. You can add any additional pay lines here for lumpers, stops, layovers, etc.


Here add any advances for this driver on this trip. These will be deducted from their pay.


Add any Reimbursements/Expenses here so they will be added to drivers pay for the trip.

Completed Trips should look like the below:


Track Request from Trip Screen

When a Carrier is assigned to a trip, users have the ability to send a Macro Point tracking request from the Maintain Trip screen. This allows a Macro Point tracking link to be sent directly to the driver's cell phone. Tracking will not begin until 4 hours before the pickup appointment.


The Macro Point integration must be enabled for this option to be available on your account. For more information on enabling the Macro Point integration please contact

For support with Macropoint, please contact

Live Tracking


The Live Tracking feature will generate tracking displayed in a new browser tab that mirrors the tracking data from inside the trip. This link can be shared with customers so they can access live tracking for the shipment.

Split Manager

To treat shipment as a Split Load you will use the Split Manager.  To use this function when in the Trip, Select Split Manager.

This will show you the current trip and allow you to Split before the next stop or stops if there are multiple stops on this trip.


Fill out the Split screen by inputting Date/Time to drop trailer, Date/Time trailer will be picked up and Location of the split.

Click Use/Select to set the location of the Split.

Once done hit Save to complete the split this will break the trip into 2 parts with the same trip number just with an -01 and -02.


The yellow boxes are your split points, you will see the projected pay break down above each leg of the trip, you can adjust that percentage to what makes sense for the trip.

You will then need to assign a driver to the second leg of the trip, and calculate the pay for both Legs of the Trip.


To edit a split, access the split screen and use the red arrow to undo that leg. You can also delete the first leg of the split to restart assignments from the beginning.

Attaching Scans to Load

Adding Manual Check Calls

Adding Driver Submitted Check Calls

Dispatching Trips Video

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