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Non-Revenue Trips

Creating Non-Revenue Trips

There may be an instance in which you have to pay a driver for a trip without having a shipment being assigned to the trip. This circumstance is what is called a non-revenue trip and can be easily accomplished through a few steps.

Click here for information on how to use a data entry window.

You will begin by selecting Trips from the quick access bar:

Here select New Trip:

Begin to build the trip by adding locations through the directory or by adding new locations just as you would for a traditional load. Next, you will need to assign the truck, driver, and trailer you intend to use by selecting the "assign" tab:

You will then be prompted to select if this trip will be handled by the "truck" or "brokerage" side. Next, you can choose a truck to be assigned by either the trucks that are suggested by the system or entering the desired truck id. Next, you will choose the Driver that is to be assigned to this trip followed by the trailer and unloaded origin.

Once you have selected all the required fields you can then select calculate pay under the "Stops" section. Here a pay plan will be auto filled, or you can add a desired pay plan for the driver. You may also add custom pay by selecting "Add Pay." In this section, you may also add advances and expenses as desired.

Once you have finished with the pay plans select "Complete" or manually add check calls in the check call section to finish the "non- revenueā€¯ load.

Entering a Non-Revenue Trip Video

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