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Truck Statistics

This report will show the truck, the number of trips completed with miles, and fuel information.



From/To date

Here enter a date range to run the report.


Here select a truck the report should be run for.

Truck Groups

Here select a truck group and only data from that group will be displayed.

Sort by

Select from the drop-down how you would like the information ordered on the report.

Group by

Select from the drop-down if/how you would like the information grouped.





This field will display the truck number.

Trips completed

This field will display the number of trips completed for the date range.


This field will display the miles traveled for the date range.

Gallons of fuel

This field will display the total gallons of fuel used.

Fuel purchased total

This field will display the total fuel purchased for the date range.


This field will display the average miles per gallon for the date range.

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