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Dispatch Board

To access tab: Dispatch-> Dispatch Board

The DITAT Dispatch Board is intended to allow the User to be in control of current Trips in DITAT. The board gives the ability to customize data to each viewers specifications through filters and groups.


The tool bar will contain two unique options to assist in the Dispatch Board.

The Hide/ Show Filters icon will toggle if the extensive filter section of the Dispatch Board can be seen. Giving the option to view more Trips after the desired filters have been set. 

The Hide/ Show Columns icon gives the User the ability for the customization of what information is relevant to the User as they use the Dispatch Board by checking the desired fields. 


Filters Section




Allows to view all the Trucks currently dispatched or can be more specifically narrowed down by certain Custom Groups created with DITAT. This is done by selecting the pencil icon and selecting the desired groups.


Allows to view all the Drivers currently dispatched or can be more specifically narrowed down by certain Custom Groups created with DITAT. This is done by selecting the pencil icon and selecting the desired groups.


Allows to view all the Customers currently dispatched or can be more specifically narrowed down by certain Custom Groups created with DITAT. This is done by selecting the pencil icon and selecting the desired groups.

Pickup zones

Allows to narrow the criteria to specific Zones displaying only certain regions of the country for dispatching.

Delivery zones

Allows to narrow the criteria to specific Zones displaying only certain regions of the country for dispatching.

Current Leg Zones

Allows to narrow the criteria to specific Zones displaying only certain regions of the country for dispatching.

Truck side/ Brokerage

An option that allows the user to specify which side of the company to view if applicable.

Dispatched by

Toggle to view data only dispatched by certain Users

Pickup Dates

Use this field to filter your board by a pickup date range.

Delivery Dates

Use this field to filter your board by a delivery date range.

Current Leg Dates

Use this field to filter your board by each trip's current leg date range.


Trip List Section

This section displays the dispatching information in the desired form of each individual user. There is an extensive list of filters for the columns that the user can choose from under the Hide/Show Columns icon. It is recommended for a user to narrow down the amount of information shown to their individual preferences. Each column can also be moved to any place on the board as the user sees fit by selecting the columns header and sliding it across the board. A user can also choose to have the board sorted by descending/ ascending order of a certain subject if needed.


Users can view the Shipment or Trip by selecting the pencil adjacent to each ID. 

Important Features



This Icon will represent a maintenance/expiration issue occurring. The message will be revealed when hovered over.

A red Icon in this area will indicate that the tracking is delayed.


A yellow icon in this area indicates that tracking is working, but the load is running late.

A green icon in the area will indicate that the tracking is working and up to date.


This is the tracking icon, selecting it will bring you to the tracking tab to show the current location and route. It also has the current city of the truck to the right.


Assignment Status: A blue checkmark icon is an ‘all-good’ indicator that tracking is a match for truck and trailer. A blue info icon indicates there is no GPS data present to verify. A red info icon in this area will indicate the GPS of the truck and trailer are not matching and there may be a wrong assignment. A yellow warning icon in this area will indicate there is no trailer assigned or the trailer assigned does not match the preloaded trailer from the shipment. A suggestion of the nearest trailer available will be offered.


A white circle in this area indicates that there is no live reefer data available for this truck. A red circle in this area indicates that the reefer unit is set incorrectly.

A blue circle in this area indicates that the reefer unit is set and operating correctly.

An exclamation point in this area indicates that the reefer unit data is not current enough to report.


Reefer: The first number is the current set temperature and mode for this reefer unit.

The second number is the current actual temperature and mode for this reefer unit.

This count will show the number of trips on the board.

This area will indicate the current zone by name and color for zones that you have set up.

ETA: This icon indicates if the GPS shows the truck moving.

ETA: This icon will indicate that the truck is not currently moving.


ETA: This icon will indicate the ETA calculations if done with HOS.

ETA: This icon will alert the dispatcher of the truck's ETA status. Red meaning that truck is expected to be late. Green indicates the truck is tracking on time. If the circle is yellow, it indicates that the truck may or may not be late.

This notification icon indicates that there is a check call pending that needs attention.

The blue icon here allows the dispatcher to accept a check call from the dispatch board.

This is the info card for the truck, selecting it will bring up the Driver info.

ETA calculation

ETA is a calculated value which looks at the last GPS ping and the distance to the next stop. We then calculate the ETA to the next stop using an average of 45 MPH for single seat drivers, or 54 MPH when a team is on the load. ETA’s are not meant to be an exact time for the event, it is an estimation.

The dispatch board is a crucial tool for dispatchers to be able to accept check calls on the fly as well as know the locations of their fleet at any given moment. Using the tools provided, each user will be given a unique view into exactly what is important at any given time.

Macro Point Tracking Features


Under the column “Track Request,” users have the ability to send a Macro Point tracking request to the drivers cell phone and view Track request status directly from the Dispatch Board.




This icon indicates a Track request has been created. Click here to view the Track request status.


This icon indicates there is currently tracking.


This icon indicates there is an issue with tracking.


Click on the pencil icon to edit or re-send a Track request.


The plus sign indicates there is no Track request data currently and can be used to create an initial Track request.

For more information about enabling the Macro Point integration, please contact

Truck Info Card

If you click on the blue info card icon next to any truck on the dispatch board, you will get the truck info card.  This truck info card will give you important information about the Truck, Driver, and Carrier assigned to the Truck.


Top section


This top portion of the Truck info card will stay the same for all of the Tabs you select below.  You will have multiple sections that can show at the Top

  • Truck information - This section can show the Year, Make, and Model of this truck as well as plate and max weight information.  If the truck is in custom groups those will also be displayed in this section.

  • Carrier information - If there is a driver assigned to this truck and that driver works for a carrier, this section will be present.  The carrier section will show the company name as well as contact information and a pay plan if one is assigned to the carrier.

  • Drivers' information - If there is a driver or team of drivers assigned to the truck then you will see boxes for each driver.  These boxes will include driver's name, contact information, as well as any driver or carrier preferences for this driver and any custom groups the driver is in.

Recent Trips


The recent trips section will show the latest trips that are assigned to this truck.  If you use real-time sync for the planning board this section's latest delivery will be where the truck is displayed on the planning board.

  • This will show where the last trips were set to pick up and deliver, as well as how many miles for each trip.

  • At the top of the trips section, you will see a summary of trips the truck has been assigned to for the current week, last week and the week before that.

Pay and Margin pay and margin data visibility can be removed through group permissions for the Planning and Dispatch boards.

Hours of Service


If you integrate with an hour of service provider, the HOS info will show on this card as well as a log of changes with remarks, shipping docs, and trailer number.

Dispatch Board Tutorial

Ditat Messaging

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