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Maintain Shipments

Maintain Shipments window is where you will look up shipments that have been entered as well as where you will create new shipments.

To access tab: Dispatch-> Maintain Shipment

Click here for information on how to use a data entry window.

New Shipment or Shipment Look Up

Shipment ID: Shipment ID can be up to 25 characters in length and should be unique within the system. If you enter an Id that already exists in the system, the shipment record will be pulled from the system and can be edited. To start a new shipment, you will press New Shipment and the system will assign a shipment ID once the load is saved.

Search Navigation Icons

Search Navigation can help you to easily find the last shipment entered. You can also move to the next and previous shipment using these tools.

New Shipment

To start a new shipment, select the New Shipment icon from the Toolbar. It will open a New Shipment and a shipment Id will be assigned upon saving.

Validation Error Warning

The Task Bar is where the system will notify you of any errors that need to be fixed before you can save. If there is one error, it will show as a message (like the above picture), if there is more than one error, you will get a message with the number of errors. To see details for each, message click on the view message box.



View trip

Use this button to switch to the trip, if the trip has not been assigned to a driver yet this will open the trip assignment wizard.

Split manager

Use this button to split the shipment into multiple trips. This split manager can be done from the shipment or trip screen. For information on splitting loads click here.


This button can be used to create duplicate shipments. This will follow the default Shipment duplication method that is set in the Dispatcher setup options. Click here to see where to set the method to use for Shipment Duplication.


This button will open a Bill of Lading that can be printed or saved.


The notes button will open or close the notes section. Use notes for any additional notes that may be needed for this shipment.


The messaging button will open or close the messaging section. The messaging section will display all messages sent between drivers and dispatchers related to this shipment.

Document Management

This button will open the document management folder for this shipment. Document management is where you can upload documents related to this shipment.


Select the customer that booked the shipment.

Bill To

Select the customer who will be billed for this shipment. The system will fill in the same information as for the above “Customer” automatically, this can be changed if needed.

Rate Plan

Select the rate plan to use to bill the customer. It will populate with the plan that is assigned to the customer. If no plan is assigned, you can select the rate plan to use or manually add charges.


Select which of your companies will bill this customer. The system will fill in the same information as for above “Customer” automatically, this can be changed if needed.

Entered by

This will be automatically entered as the user that added the shipment.

Booked By

Select the user who booked the shipment. If set on the customer’s defaults, this field will populate on its own.

Booked for

Select if this shipment is booked for Company Assets or for Brokerage. This will be auto filled in using the default you set in the dispatch options. Click here to see detail on where to set the default option to use.

Reference Numbers

Here fill in all the reference numbers that are needed for this shipment.


Select the type of equipment that is required for this shipment.

Refer Temp

If a reefer is needed enter the required temperature here.

Refer Mode

Select if the temperature should be Start/Stop, Continuous, or Off.

Preloaded trailer

If there is a preloaded trailer that will be picked up for this load select it here, this will be added to the trip when assigned.

Team required

Check the box if a team is required for this load.


Check the box if this is a hazmat load.

Cargo Value

Enter the estimated cargo value here.

Original Paperwork

You can enter the date you received the original paperwork here.

Location Contact

Enter the contact information for this part of the Shipment. This information comes from the location if filled in and can be edited by clicking the pencil next to Stop.


Fill in the stops information. If more stops are needed, use the Add Stop button. Use the Pencil next to the stop to edit any information on the stop or add notes for driver/dispatcher.

Truck/Trailer Icons

Next To Location there are truck Icons to tell you what is happening at that stop.

Pickup Location

Delivery location

Location is a Drop & Hook Site.

Extra stops require specification if it is a pickup, delivery, or both. Also if it is drop/hook.


Appointments can be set to FCFS (First come first serve), Appointment Set, or Appointment Required. If you choose FCFS you can select a date range for the appointment. If you choose Appointment Set you can add a late after field by clicking on the “+” next to the clock and fill in the date and times for the appointment. Appointment Required is used when you still need to set an appointment time for this stop.


This field is to be used for any additional information: stop reference numbers, pick up instructions, numbers to call.


Add the types of goods for the shipment. Identify types of Goods for each additional stop. Types can be selected from a preset list or you can type in a description.

Use ‘Add All’ if you have multiple stops with the same goods type.



Fill in the fields with details.


Add Charges needed for the shipment. If a customer has a rate plan, select the Calculate Charges calculate the rate. These rates can be adjusted by typing over the rate or quantity. Add any additional charges here such as lumper or layover charges.

Adjusted Revenue

This field is used by the system to calculate the driver’s pay when dealing with percentage drivers.

Use for Pay

If checked, this charge will be used for driver’s pay when dealing with percentage drivers.

Billing Notes

Additional information needed for billing purposes. This information will be filled automatically if entered on the bill To customer’s information.

Invoice Notes

Additional information needed for invoicing purposes. This information will be filled automatically if entered on the bill to customer’s info. This information will print on the Invoice.

Editing Shipment

Once a shipment is saved, you will have new options on the Tool Bar.



View Trip

Use this icon to assign a driver to the trip.

Split Manager

Use this icon to split the shipment between multiple drivers.


Use this icon to duplicate this shipment.


Use this icon to print a Bill of Lading for this shipment.


Use this icon to delete the Shipment.


Use this icon to open and close the notes section for this shipment.


Use this icon to view messages from drivers for all trips associated with this shipment.

Document Manager

Use this icon to attach documents to the shipment.

Agent Access

Use this icon to assign agent access to for this shipment.


This icon opens a new window with the help section for the current tab.


Entering Shipments Video

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